Carbon Pulse

We live in a carbon-fuelled economy and need to transition to a net-zero carbon economy.

This transition involves every human on Earth if it is to be a just transition. 

How can every human understand and change how I, we, us source and use energy, material and information?

The carbon atom is common to life on Earth.

Imagine a common language, understanding, and way to count and account for carbon in what we produce and consume?

Today, almost every person, business, and government does something different to count and account for carbon. 

Scientists, researchers, leaders, policymakers, media, marketing, and business use different methods and words to count and account for the same carbon atoms, molecules, cycle and impacts. Carbon is the common currency, and there are hundreds of monetary currencies that need different ways to count, account, store, and manage them. 

Counting and accounting carbon is easier, cheaper, and faster than counting and accounting money. 

Carbon is the common currency for a just transition. 

CostCarbon is a framework with a language, definitions, metrics, and methods to count and account carbon. 

We have spent seven years developing a theory for change and now have a seven-year plan that involves you, me, everyone. 

Who will help document and communicate this theory before COP29? 

#CostCarbon involves everyone.

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