
What is CostCarbon

CostCarbon redefines economic value by integrating financial, social, and natural capital into a coherent system for everyone.

It reshapes the relationship between economic growth and Earth systems stewardship and the purpose of economy.
It proposes no price on Carbon but rather quantifying it as a nature based metric to reflect the materiality of economy.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

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Buckminster Fuller

Old model                                So we built a new model

This Theory for Change focuses on generating demand for validated information and integrating financial, social, and natural capital into economic transactions.

By advancing a common language for carbon counting, it aligns diverse individual stakeholders, decision makers and policy makers in the wider economy, to meet their net-zero commitments, aspirations and potential.
It builds on many existing schools of thought and practice motivated to systems change.
This approach rewards transparency through informed procurement, fostering a more inclusive and equitable economy.
The opportunity to capture lost and latent value represents an exponential regenerative growth opportunity in transition to a circular economy
. The initiative respects cultural diversity while uniting global efforts to tackle challenges like global warming, resource waste and individual needs, wants and aspirations.

Freedom without responsibility is neither free nor responsible

Your freedom.
This involves you! It involves everyone.
The true power to solve our greatest challenges lies within us as individuals.
We are the leaders of governments and businesses, we are individuals as citizens of Earth with self-determination.
We are ordinary people doing ordinary things every day, everywhere all the time.
We are human beings.

Our agency as individuals, as communities, with-in organisations through time on Earth has built everything around us over centuries of social evolution. We live in a construct of our own creation, and intentional solutions-change will come only from the choices we make, to act and change our behaviours, through self determination.
We will initiate change, or it will be imposed upon us by external forces.
Today, we face a paradigm of climate change and technological advancements accelerating faster than our ability to adapt.
We need a step change in how we manage our environment.
Our species future, life on Earth is determined by the choices we make today.