
A regenerative economy that is values based, technology enabled, led and managed by communities that are supported and served by business and government.

A human-centred design with a nature-based metric creates incentive to minimise emissions, waste and inequality in our economy. 

In 1896 Svante Arrhenius reported that carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels caused global warming. Today, nothing governments have done has impacted the trend line of emissions and warming that linear capitalism depends upon.

COP29 in November 2024 marks 30 years of conferences to discuss the problem but no downward deviation from trend is seen.
The accelerating changes in today’s weather patterns and long-term climate trends, coupled with forecasts of increasing disruption, demand a proportional response in mitigation efforts. The market forces driving emissions and global warming must be met with an equally strong and opposite market force aimed at reducing them.

A different approach is necessary that seizes the onus for change and shares this opportunity more widely through society. More than 70% of us want more and meaningful action and yet business and governments have to-date proved to be unwilling or incapable of the mitigation change necessary in the time available.

The rate of change in what we witness today from ‘normal’ weather pattens and longer climate trends together with what is forecast, must logically be met with equal measure of mitigation. Logically the market forcing emissions and warming must be met with an equal and opposite market force to reduce them. We can match the pace and scale of change . This mitigation activity reaches every aspect of our economy.
It represents an unparalleled opportunity to consciously transform the global economy and includes everyone.
The logic exists to move towards a regenerative economy as fast as humanly possible. A regenerative economy that is values based, technology enabled, led and managed by communities that are supported and served by business and government. Business and government may then respond to consumer sentiment and their constituent.

A human-centred design with a nature-based metric creates incentive to minimise emissions, waste and inequality in our economy which intern increases economic activity, exponentially.

Evidence of the natural and social need for an alternative is irrefutable and as such represents an unparalleled opportunity, as a species. Those of us fortunate enough to be alive at this moment have a task that will be known in all our histories.