
Changing the way we value, count and cost what matters most.

CostCarbon is dedicated to making environmental costs and social values a part of any financial transaction.

It is a universally coherent system that integrates carbon counting and accounting to drive the cycling and distribution of resources towards regenerative growth.

We know the price of everything and the cost of nothing.

How we spend our money reflects our values, but what we receive in return often doesn’t.

We create demand for goods and services and have no visibility of the social and environmental cost that we generate. These costs are called externalities because they are not included in the price.

CostCarbon does not propose using finance to price carbon or other social and natural considerations.

We advocate quantifying carbon as a nature-based metric to accurately reflect the material impact of factors currently externalised from transactions in our economy.

This will raise consumer demand and lower costs for business.

A circular system to deliver and maintain regenerative economy as normal practice.

The Problem

The current economic model is built on the false premise of infinite resources. All economic transactions are quantified using a monetary metric. This metric is leading to collapse of natural systems, planetary warming, waste, inequality and poverty.

We have...


To halve emissions by 2030

Our governments have committed under the Paris Agreement and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to meet this timeline.

A Solution

CostCarbon is a multi-metric capital model, integrating financial, natural and social capital into every transaction.

We call this Polyvalent Capital

This enables environmental costs to be counted and accounted for, driving down risks and price, and accelerating the transition towards a regenerative economy.

Imagine a system that might enable growth of economy in balance with nature...

a system that is voluntary in adoption by any entity in any place, at any time on planet Earth.

Why it will work

Adding carbon as a unit of cost alongside price, provides a nature based metric that rewards transparency and accountability in transactions. This second metric will drive demand for sustainable practices from suppliers. Governments, businesses and individual decision makers who demand leadership and will deliver global change towards a resilient and equitable future.

Feedback? Questions?

We seek collaborators with passion, knowledge and other  resources who share our commitment and vision that our greatest challenges can be solved this decade, through collective action.