A Pathway

CostCarbon: A Pathway to Sustainable Economic Growth

The proposed time frame is dependent upon the resources applied and the willingness and capability of people and organisations to adopt orderly equitable change. The just transition calls on our capabilities to cooperate with each other and recognise that the existing system is not serving most of the human population and almost none of the natural systems we all depend upon. 
The next seven years are crucial. Starting in 2024, we have a limited window to implement transformative changes that can slow, stop, and in time reverse the damage caused by our current economic practices. By 2030, our goal is to establish a resilient system capable of withstanding future shocks and safe guarding democracy.


Document this theory and establish foundational frameworks through open engagement and feedback; inputs from experts and scientists and politicians and everyone else who are see some merit in this approach. Through collaboration and the input of others, lay the ground work in the necessary networks and structures to develop a carbon counting and accounting system that is freely available and accessible, coherent and understandable globally. This will involve communication in any languages, graphics and other methods to communicate the opportunities and sensitivities to local cultures, faiths and community activity.


Refine the system through pilots and trials in as many diverse and distant communities as are willing to engage. During this phase do humanity and share what works and what doesn't work and how we can work as a species towards common outcomes of wellbeing sufficiency for all and balance within Earth systems


Having spent a decade  widespread adoption across various industries and geographies. Imagine a leading fossil energy producer generating demand for zero emission supply chain into their procurement? . By embedding carbon accounting into its supply chain, the company will showcase the feasibility and benefits such as lower risk, social licence and business growth. By 2027 climate action will be evident from the basket weaver in Africa to the Banker on Wall street and this framework will be robust capable of exponential. It is hoped to spread like a virus and act like an antidote.